torstai 6. marraskuuta 2014

01-07 Shrine of The Errant

Shrine of the Errant is on the eastern edge of Misty Tops, high on a hill overlooking plains of the Ride. It is said that in days of yore a champion on Tempus known only as The Errant, fighting alone,  defeated an army of marauding horse lords here and saved the Dalelands from their outrages. He took 7 mortal wounds but Lord Tempus, pleased by his tenacity in battle, saw fit to give him strength to carry out until last of the foes lay dead. Ten great barrows crown the hill, nine for the slain horsemen  and one in the middle for The Errant. The shrine itself is a plain marble dais on the Errant’s barrow. The hill is fortified with crumbling stone walls and would make for a fine defensive position. Once there was an order of clerics standing guard at the shrine but their number shrank as Zhentil Keep rose in power. Now there are but 3 left - father Elekos (HM, Clr 8) and brothers Pereon and Basilio (HM, Clr 3) his acolytes.

Of the acolytes Pereon was his favorite but the “boy” has gone missing. Elekos tells that he went on an errant quest to the hills some months ago, searching for a ghostly wolf that is said to haunt the northern parts of Misty Tops. He has not come back and Elekos’ worries are mounting. He is willing to pay good price (1000 gp in money, services or goods) for knowledge of Pereons fate, and if the worst might come to pass, his remains to be brought to the shire for burial.

Brother Basilio is younger of the acolytes and far too lax in his devotions to father Elekos’ tastes. The boy claims to come from Phlan but when questioned displays only passing knowledge in the city. His knowledge of the faith of Tempus is shallow as well. Since Basilio is Elekos’ last remaining acolyte he is unwilling to banish the boy on hunch alone and needs for someone to find solid evidence of the boy’s misdeeds. A perfect way would be to follow Basilio on his monthly supply run to the nearby waystation “Fox and Hare” and see what he does there and who he meets. For this father Elekos is willing to give 10% discount for his goods and services. Should the adventurers find Basilio guilty of any wrongdoing Elekos wishes them to mete out any punishment they see fit.

Basilio is in truth a devout of Bane sent from Zhentil Keep to keep tabs on the shrine. The church of The Black Lord aims eventually to send an assassin to rid them of the priest and bring an end to the Shrine of the Errant. At Fox and Hare he meets with his contact.

Father Elekos carries compliment of priestly potions and scrolls up to 300 gp in worth. He also provides priestly  spells (up to 3rd lvl) and counsel.

maanantai 3. marraskuuta 2014

Monster: Gamma Bear

Gamma bears are offspring of the pre-war bear population. Due to wide range of  bone twisting mutations they are smaller and slower than their ancestors. In exchange they have become impervious to most toxins and actually emit strong radiation.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Derived: Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d10, Notice d8, Swim d6, Climb d6

Radiation: Anyone within a Medium Burst template of the bear or bear corpse must make a Vigor check every 10 rounds or suffer effects of high Radiation  (SWEX pg. 106).
Toxic Attack: Gamma bears spend most of their time rooting around toxic environs, eating whatever they can find.  Wounds caused by their attacks need double time to heal naturally and carry -2 to any Heal attempts.
Immunity: Poison
Attacks: Claws: Str+d6.

Size +1: These creatures can stand up to 6’ tall and weigh over 320  pounds.