tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014

01-04 Love is Blind and Carries a Big Stick

Up in the hills skirting the place where Anauroch trail enters the desert proper lives a tribe of orcs. They are a dark skinned, feral breed whose ancestors were pushed south from the Tortured Lands by gnoll invaders. The tribe subsists by small time farming and occasionally attacking caravans on the trail. Some time ago they hit a lightly defended caravan coming out of the desert, with surprising results.

Among the loot they found a locked box that held a live nymph. Her beauty struck many of the tribes literally blind, among them the leader Mugrukh. He fell in love with the nymph and she now rules the tribe with him as an adoring puppet. Those who dissented against the new rule are now outcasts, some of them still blinded. Among the dissenters is the tribe shaman Ernoghu who would gladly see the “devil woman” gone.

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