lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2014

01-01 Nigummu's Tiny Hut (In the Woods)

Travelers tales speak of a great house that lies somewhere in these hills. It's wide lawns, strange orchards and terraced flower gardens are ringed by a tall iron fence with no gates. Silent gardeners tend the grounds, their faces obscured by hooded cowls. All manner of statues line the garden terraces, some fair, some repulsive, all weird and unsettling.

The house itself is built in style not known in these parts, tall glass windows run around it's facade with no visible doors or portals to grant entry inside. It's roof is a great dome of bronze, adorned with florid patterns embossed in the metal. 

This is the manor of Nigummu the Dry Hand, a necromancer in search of everlasting life. In this house he works, served by skeletal beings and guarded by living statues and shadows that live in the walls. To elude his many enemies he has set the manor loose in space and time, only manifesting at this spot for 1d10+2 hours every fifth day.

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