keskiviikko 26. helmikuuta 2014

01-03 My Sylvan Lover

A small peasant boy sits on a rock, crying, his cows grazing on the roadside. If asked why he is so sad he tells that “a horseman” took the prize of his herd. If the cow is not returned he cannot ever return home.

What he neglects to tell is that the horseman is actually a centaur. This particular sylvan creature imbibed a cursed potion of love that drove him mad with lust for anything resembling a centaur female. His amorous advances on the tribe’s females soon led to his banishment from the tribe. Since then he has drifted south, wooing anything on four legs as he went. Finally he reached the edge of Misty Tops where he encountered the village herd. He fell madly in love with one of the cows, stole her away and spirited her up the wooded slopes. There he found a glade onto which he built a shrine/love nest of spring flowers and green saplings for his chosen one. Content mooing of the cow can be heard from afar as the sylvan Casanova pampers it with finest grass and clearest spring water.

If the couple is disturbed the love crazed centaur will defend his bride, to death if necessary.

tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2014

01-02 Pilgrim's Rest

This ancient stone building is built on a low hillock, said to be a burial mound for steeds of horsemen slain by The Errant, a champion of Tempus. Many pilgrims headed for his shrine spend a night here, not that many continue their journey. The proprietor, Bethe of Horse Hill (human female barbarian lvl 3), makes a nice little side business of enslaving lone travelers and selling them to vaegould tribesmen. Two of the rooms have trapped floors that can be collapsed into pits below the hill (treat as pit trap with 20 ft drop). With little on no risk of vaegould raids Bethe keeps a much smaller number of guards than other way stations on the road. She breeds a nasty variety of guard dogs in a dirty kennel yard out back, however.

The slaves who are kept in filthy pens inside the burial mound say that at night they hear moans and scrapings coming from somewhere. Perhaps there is a hidden passage into deeper, forgotten parts of the tomb?

lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2014

01-01 Nigummu's Tiny Hut (In the Woods)

Travelers tales speak of a great house that lies somewhere in these hills. It's wide lawns, strange orchards and terraced flower gardens are ringed by a tall iron fence with no gates. Silent gardeners tend the grounds, their faces obscured by hooded cowls. All manner of statues line the garden terraces, some fair, some repulsive, all weird and unsettling.

The house itself is built in style not known in these parts, tall glass windows run around it's facade with no visible doors or portals to grant entry inside. It's roof is a great dome of bronze, adorned with florid patterns embossed in the metal. 

This is the manor of Nigummu the Dry Hand, a necromancer in search of everlasting life. In this house he works, served by skeletal beings and guarded by living statues and shadows that live in the walls. To elude his many enemies he has set the manor loose in space and time, only manifesting at this spot for 1d10+2 hours every fifth day.